At the age of eight, my parents saw the aptitude I had for art and thus put me in painting and drawing classes. I looked forward to the yearly Christmas present of a new art kit and would be drawn to doodling and painting for hours at a time. I am the third child out of four and would classify myself as the typical middle child. I think birth order has helped me to be a flexible and easygoing spirit. I rarely got the prize at the bottom of a cereal box as a kid but I almost died trying!
I continued to paint and draw throughout my childhood and felt appropritate to go to go to college and follow my heart...art. I graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a B.A in Art in 1989. After graduating, I helped paint the set for KTVU, Channel 2's" Mornings on 2" set. I received an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in 1991.
Since that experience, I have painted for many people and places including local hospitals and designer showcases. I have been featured in Sunset Books "Great Baby Rooms" and" Great Kids Rooms" and have had the opportunity to be on ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
I enjoy meeting new clients and helping them with conceptualizing their special space. From nurseries to cooporate logos...The fufillment of being a professional artist is immeasurable.
Beyond loving what I do, I am first a wife and a mother of three boys. As outsiders looking in it is easy to see a "picture perfect" family. But like most of us that photo is only a facade. The reality of my life is one of beauty but also of tradgedy. In 1996 our second son, Quinton Winters passed away due to a heart defect. There is not one day that passes by that I don't think of him. I named my business Quinn-Art as a tribute to our son. I sign my murals in his memory as a way to keep him alive in our hearts.
On that note, I want you to know that I have made a conscience choice to see my life as a glass half full instead of half empty. And through my art and the wonderful people I meet I have found an expression of peace and beauty out of uncomfotable and challenging circumstances. Life is how we choose to see it and how we choose to live it.
Jeannie Lovell
Wife, Mother and Artist

Copyright 2010: Quinn Art | Nursery Mural. All Rights Reserved.